Checking Our Spiritual Fervor and Purpose
Our time on earth is too short to engage in activities that do not… fit in God given talent and God’s purposes for our lives.
God Paints Pictures
He painted word pictures all throughout Scripture to illustrate and foreshadow spiritual truths, so [we could] grasp them.
Mother’s Day
I feel a great responsibility to try to have an input into their lives. I enjoy identifying strengths that I hope will develop and try to encourage…
The Power of Words
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone.
As followers of Scripture, we have a place to put our heavy burdens; we just have to remember to put them down in prayer.
A Prayer for Easter/Passover Season (Part 2)
By faith, we claim a mighty powerful covering over ourselves and ask to be refreshed…