Once a year we set aside a special day to honor our fathers. This Sunday has just passed. My father has been in heaven now for a number of years, but I remember many outstanding characteristics he had. I am grateful to the Lord for my father.

Recently I was contemplating the attributes of a good father as I was meditating on the opening of the Lord’s prayer in Scripture. I came up with:

  1. A good father listens
  2. A good father offers direction
  3. A good father offers counsel
  4. A good father soothes

Our heavenly father certainly does all of these as we go to Him in prayer. He listens, He directs us if asked, He counsels us if we are open to that, and He certainly can soothe our troubled, anxious spirit. Of course He is the perfect father and no earthly man can match this, but any father reading this can try to emulate these traits as they fill the role of father to their own children.


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