The previous reflection was describing a devotion method that has helped me a lot. I read the Scripture which describes an aspect of Jesus, reflect on it, and then proclaim aloud the attribute as I thank Him for it. Here are some examples of the numerous words used in Scripture to describe Him.

Jesus, I thank you that you are the door of salvation. What an inviting picture of Jesus standing in the opening through which we are privileged to enter. At our homes people only enter through the door when they are invited. The invitation is always open at Jesus’ door.

Jesus, you are a sure foundation. We all are aware of the importance of a good foundation for a physical structure. The foundation upon which we build our lives is even more critical. The Bible talks about the man who builds on the sand as opposed to the one who builds on a rock. Jesus offers that sure foundation. He is the firm rock beneath us as we weather the storms of life.

Jesus, I thank you that you are the living water. You said that whoever drinks of that living water will never thirst again. You also told us that living water would flow out of us to those around us. We all meet thirsty people every day in our lives. Many are not aware of what that spiritual thirst is nor do they know where to go for a drink.

Jesus, I thank you that you are the light of the world. There is no darkness in you, and if I accept you and obey your commands as I walk through life, there will be no darkness in me. Your light will overcome the darkness. I know light is essential for things to grow in my garden so light is necessary for me to grow in my spirit.

© Peggy Park

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