Do you long for a closer relationship with Jesus? Are you uncertain, as was I, over how to look at Jesus (Hebrews 3:1 and 12:2). After all we can’t see Him and we are often cautioned not to rely on feelings, so how do we “look” at Him?

I pondered this many times, not really knowing how to do this. Then I thought of the fact that we know a person by their characteristics. I have one sister whose trade mark is kindness, even to the extent of buying clothes for the indigent children in her classroom. Another sister is very thoughtful and always ready to help any one who needs a lift in life. My brother is an energetic fireball full of energy to use in behalf of those in his life. If we, as humans, know each other by our attributes how much more so can we know Jesus by His?

I searched Scripture to identify the characteristics of Jesus the Son separate from those of God, the Father. Of course some are the same, but many are unique to Jesus

My findings yielded a great reward in my prayer time as I felt more connected to Jesus. I have come into a much closer relationship with Him than I had previously experienced. I am learning how to focus my eyes on Him.

Most of us like to hear our name spoken affectionately. Certainly we all love compliments. Our Savior also takes joy in hearing His name and His wonderful attributes acknowledged. I have started to praise Him in my prayer time by recognizing some of His characteristics

“They who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you” (Psalm 9:10). I am finding my trust and faith being built up as I reflect upon and proclaim the wonderful facets of Jesus. To do so reminds me of the beauty of a diamond projecting facets of light as it is viewed from different angles.

© Peggy Park

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