Mother’s day is on the calendar. I have one word of advice for those of us who have adult children, “Do it their way.” They may marry and develop different life patterns from ours as they adjust to another person’s ideas so I try hard to respect that. On the other hand the grandchildren that come along are a different story.

I feel a great responsibility to try to have an input into their lives. I enjoy identifying strengths that I hope will develop and try to encourage those. Keeping a Grandmother’s Journal is a very important part of this as I record some of the interactions I have with them. This is especially important as four of my 6 grandchildren live in other states and I don’t get to see them often.

Journaling interactions helps bridge the miles between us. When we are together (usually for their birthday) we often read the previous year’s accounts. You will find this journal in my store.

© Peggy Park

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