Sun Stand Still, Audacious Prayers

Sun Stand Still, Audacious Prayers

“O sun, stand still at Gibeon. O moon, stand still in the valley of Aijalon”— Joshua 10:12b The Lord promised Joshua that He would deliver his enemies into his hands, and not one of them would be able to withstand him (Joshua 10:8). As the sun was setting,...
Earthly Fathers/Father God (Part 3)

Earthly Fathers/Father God (Part 3)

Parental faithfulness is the next attribute we will explore. Many of us have not experienced the faithfulness on the part of our fathers that our hearts longed for. We may have a mistrust of God based on this lack in our own earthly father. Our father God is...
Earthly Fathers/Father God (part 1)

Earthly Fathers/Father God (part 1)

Father’s day is fast approaching so I will be addressing the topic of fathers for the next few week. I will be discussing six attributes of fathers, the first being parental authority. The example is given of a dog who trembles with fear when his master approaches...

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