Roots Grow in Dirty Darkness
I have been giving some thought as to why problems we think we have released sometimes spring back up again.
A Pure Heart
This can only be achieved by allowing the Holy Spirit to cleanse us of the contamination that is an ever present…
Check the Fuel in Your Spirit
Sometimes, I find my spirit has gotten all clogged up with offenses, judgments, and unforgiveness. I have taken my eyes off Jesus…
The Kingdom Inside of You
I find peace, joy, love, patience, gentleness, goodness, righteousness, faith, hope, praise and worship…and so much more!
Peace in the Storms of Life
It is easy to get our eyes on the storms in our lives, when we should be focusing on the one who can calm the storm.
Walk Into Your Fears
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” Fear is not from our Father…