Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” — Lamentations 3:22-23

The old year has passed away. It’s nothing more than a memory to us as we discard the old calendar and put up a fresh new one full of unwritten days. What will write on those days as we scurry to fulfill our “to do” list? Has time for our Lord Jesus Christ been a top priority? Have we penciled in quiet time to be with Him, or has that time given way to the tyranny of the urgent? Let us do a check up to see how we are doing now that we are into the new year.

Contemplating new beginnings can be intriguing. So many days and hours to deepen our relationship and fulfillment in Him OR to simply let time pass with no plan to know Him better. Will we allow old habits and challenging life circumstances to derail our time with Him, or will we crave out time to know our Savior in a deeper way?

Our world is in turmoil with mankind confounded by many circumstances and the uncertainties of life. Many do not know where to turn for answers. The believer in Jesus has a refuge as we draw on the peace found in our relationship with the Son of God. What an awesome thought that He actually wants to fellowship with us and show us His compassion. We are truly a blessed people to have an audience with Him.

He is faithful to His children. His compassion (mercy) never fails. Lam. 3: 22,23. We can find rest in that no matter what circumstances we face.

© Peggy Park

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