“And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid.  Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will accomplish for you today.” — Exodus14:13a

Some of us have just celebrated the Biblical feast called Passover. We all know well the story of Passover where the children of Israel were delivered out of the bondage of Egypt. The excitement of the multitude mounted as they heard the devastation across the land of Egypt. Every first born not protected by the blood marking on the doorpost fell victim to the death angel. Screams of anguish rose up everywhere.

In haste the children of Israel fled the hardships and tyranny of Egypt. They were heading toward the promised land. Then they came to the Red Sea. Imagine the terror the cascading waves provoked. They felt trapped! The Egyptian soldiers pressing in from behind and the impassable sea lay ahead. What to do?

They began to murmur and question the faithfulness of God. They looked back on the old life. They lamented that Egypt would have been better than dying in the wilderness.

When we hear these very familiar accounts from the Bible we sometimes just take them for granted. I asked the Lord to show me a new insight in this account that we could relate to personally.

Have you ever faced a red sea in your life? It could be health, financial, relational or any one of a number of things that seemed impossible. You could not see any answer. Did the old life you came from suddenly look better?

The water did not part until they stepped into it and then they saw the Lord’s glorious provision. Often when we face our red sea we are too near sighted. We only see the immediate in front of us not the big picture. Whatever the difficulty you face take a step of faith and watch for God’s provision in His time.

Robert Morgan in his book The Red Sea rules gives the following 10 suggestions for dealing with the red sea in your life.

  1. Realize that God means for you to be where you are.
  2. Be more concerned for God’s glory than your relief
  3. Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord.
  4. Pray
  5. Stay calm and confident and give God time to work
  6. When unsure just take the next logical step in faith
  7. Envision God’s enveloping presence
  8. Trust God to deliver in His own unique way
  9. View your current crisis as a faith builder for the future
  10. Don’t forget to praise Him

© Peggy Park

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